It’s okay to be shy. In fact, many of us are shy in specific ways and we should embrace that because it’s a part of us. People shouldn’t, however, let shyness stop self from doing anything they want including dating. The phone dating platform gives shy people a chance to meet others in their own pacing and timing.

You can always direct the conversation back to your new phone friend by asking them questions. That way the pressure won’t be on you to share as much and you can reveal things about yourself when you’re more comfortable with the person you’re speaking to. You can also always tell your new phone friend that it takes you awhile to open up fully because you’re shy. Once you communicate that, your phone friend will likely understand more where you’re coming from.
By putting yourself in situations that call for talking, over time you will get more comfortable expressing yourself and that’s a beautiful thing. Once you realize that the people on the chat lines are looking for similar things as you are, you will likely feel more at ease to open up.
Also, I know sometimes even I can feel shy but when I find somebody who likes the things I do, I forget about being shy and just naturally find myself engrossed in conversation. There are hundreds of single individuals available to speak with at any given time so you can call and meet all kinds of people from all around the globe.
The chat lines are open 24 hours a day and every day of the week, so you can call whenever it best makes sense for you and always be able to speak with someone new.