Questions to Ask your Dominant Phone Sex Friend

BDSM games on a phonesex chat line can be very fun and fulfilling, but they require a good communication between you and your Dominant of choice on the other end of the phone. You’ll have to establish trust between you and them, even if you’ve just met on the chat line.
Here are some appropriate questions to ask when you’re meeting a Dom for the first time:

Questions to Ask your Dominant Phone Sex Friend
Questions to Ask your Dominant Phone Sex Friend

“Do you enjoy sadism/masochism?”. Some Doms are only into the psychological part of dominance and submission, while others like playing around with whips, floggers and spanking paddles. Even if they’re not physically there to administer pain, it’s best that you’re both on the same page to avoid disappointment when chatting about sex.

“What kinds of punishments will you administer to me if I do something wrong?”. Not only corporal punishments: some Doms may use other behaviors to let you know that you failed in following their orders, like denying you phone sex chat sessions for a while. Again, it’s important that both the participants are willing to compromise to share over the phone only the fantasies you’re both into.

“What are your hard and soft limits?”. Yes, Dominants have their own limits too. The only way to have 100% consensual phone sex fun is to ask them this very important question. It’s also a great opportunity to discuss your own limits without feeling awkward or ashamed.

“Will we use a safeword if things become awkward or unpleasant?”. Many kinksters think that a safeword is necessary only when you’re playing face-to-face, since some BDSM games can become very uncomfortable or hurting the people involved. But a game that feels wrong can feel unpleasant even if you’re just playing over the phone! That’s why many users of BDSM sex numbers use a safeword to communicate better.

“Will you have some time for aftercare at the end of our chat?”. Once again, if your Dom is not physically there to spank you with a cat o’ nine tails flogger, it doesn’t mean that you should take some measures for your own comfort and safety, exactly as if the scene was happening in real life. According to your own needs, aftercare can be something as simple as some small talk after the BDSM games.

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