Why Men Love Bitches and Want to Marry Them

Why do men prefer strong, self-aware women? What makes them a better choice than weaker women? In this article, we’ll explore all these questions and more to help you understand why men love bitches and want to marry them. In the process, we’ll uncover the secret behind a man’s attraction to a strong woman. And, of course, we’ll reveal why bitches are so desirable in the bedroom.

Why men gravitate towards women who are strong and self aware

Alpha males are attracted to strong, self-aware women. These men tend to prefer women who are capable of leading in both the workplace and the home. These men also prefer women who are intelligent. They believe that women with these traits will understand their needs and expectations. This is one of the reasons why women with strong egos make good partners. However, it is important to understand the importance of being strong and self-aware to attract alpha males.

Although women no longer need a “rescuer” in today’s world, men do. They are wired to seek relationships that allow them to be the providers and heroes. Women who allow men to be their heroes are more attractive to men than women who need a rescuing partner. These women are not only attractive to alpha males, but also attract alpha males. Here are a few more reasons why men gravitate towards women who are strong and self-aware.

Why men prefer women who are strong and self aware

Why do men prefer women who are strong and self-aware? First of all, women who are self-aware tend to be more relatable and date-able. They are not preoccupied with what other people think of them, but rather focus on what they see in themselves. Second of all, self-aware women are less likely to waste time in unfulfilling relationships. They are not overly involved in social media or gossip, and therefore tend to be sexier.

Why men marry bitches

Why men marry bitches is a feel-good guide written by Sherry Argov. It teaches you how to convert your casual relationship into a committed one. She reveals that men want to commit to women who have confidence and are in control of their lives. In short, this book will teach you how to win a man’s heart and earn his respect. A must-read for all women! Posted on Newsweek, Vanity Fair, and other popular publications, Why Men Marry Bitches is a must-read for women!

Argov’s book is not for the faint-hearted. While many women may want to remain sweet and feminine, Argov makes men feel uncomfortable with the idea of giving up control. In her book, you’ll learn how to become the shrewd tactician who uses your feminine resources to barter for masculine resources. The book is filled with many Relationship Principles, which Argov makes clear in a clear and concise manner.

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