Massaging the prostate gland with a sex toy
Massaging the prostate gland with a genital sex toy is a great way to reduce the symptoms of sexually impotence and erectile dysfunction. It is a unique sensation that resembles tickling on the inside and produces an intense climax that can be felt from head to toe. Some men have reported seeing stars and curling their toes as they experience prostate milking. But this is also a very sensitive organ and should be approached with care to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

Prostate toy manufacturers have shifted away from the overtly sexual packaging and designs of the past. The toys now have subtler designs and are less noticeable. Some manufacturers, like Aneros, have been at the forefront of this trend since the early days.
Massaging the prostate with a lubricated finger
While some men find prostate milking to be extremely pleasurable, it is not for everyone. This is because a man’s prostate varies in size, location, and sensitivity. If your prostate is overly sensitive, you may find the experience to be very uncomfortable or even cause a “nope” reaction. Others may have no sensation at all during prostate milking, or might feel only mild discomfort.
When sexual milking involves massaging the prostate with lubricated finger, it is essential to be as comfortable as possible. Start by inserting the finger about halfway up your rectum. Once you’ve reached the prostate, massage the area with the pad of your finger for at least seven to ten seconds. The massage should feel as comfortable as possible for the person receiving the massage, and it shouldn’t hurt.