Fake dating profiles can be hard to spot, but there are a few things you can look out for. Some of them are fairly obvious, while others may be subtler – but either way, it’s important to be cautious!
One thing that can make a fake profile stand out is the pictures. They are often stock photos that have been yanked from the Internet and not taken by the person claiming to be them.

1. Camera Distortion
Camera distortion is a common trick used by scammers to make it hard to tell if a photo is fake or not. This is particularly dangerous if your potential date has multiple photos on their profile, or if they use similar pictures from different sites.
A good rule of thumb is to only use pictures that show you looking the kinds of ways that are universally attractive: engaged, healthy, well-rested, vivacious, interested, fit, etc. Any image that isn’t displaying these traits isn’t worth using on your dating profile.
2. Color Distortion
One of the more entertaining parts of a dating app is sifting through hundreds or even thousands of photos to find the right match for you. As such, you may be pleasantly surprised by the occasional troll or two. To keep your sanity intact, it helps to know what to look for in the first place. It’s also a good idea to take note of any red flags along the way. In particular, it’s a good idea to avoid the ones that boast an outright lie about your personal information.
3. Camera Smirk
One of the most obvious red flags in a fake dating profile picture is a camera smirk. This is usually seen when someone is looking at a camera, like in this video of baby Kasen. He looks into the camera, a look of pure mischief written across his face, and smirks sinisterly. Even though this smirk is cute, it’s a sign that the photo is likely a scammer’s work of art. The best way to tell is to do a reverse image search on Google.