Many of the participants in this study had a strong sense of community, with most having built friendships and support networks that help them to feel safe and confident in their sexual orientation. This may be a factor in why they are more comfortable to disclose their relationship status to health and aged care services.

You’re a mature woman who knows her sexuality, and this is an attractive quality to most lesbians. You’re also confident in your own skin, which is an excellent way to attract younger girls. Embrace your body, try different colors, and wear warm tones like red, pink, and orange to make yourself more attractive.
It’s not a secret that older women have more confidence than younger ones. Whether it’s their age, their career achievements, or even their social status, they’re generally more confident than the average person.
This confidence can be a big turn on for younger lesbians, especially if they look around at their 20-something peers and see a lack of the same qualities. In 2019, older people (aged 65 years and over) also saw an increase in those who identified as LGB. This was mainly in England. The UK is now more inclusive of LGBT people of all ages, including those who are older.
One of the biggest advantages for a younger lesbian in dating an older woman is the experience that comes with her. Whether it be in the bedroom or just in life, an experienced woman has much to offer a young lesbian.
Having grown up in the same-sex community, she’ll have stories and experiences to share; she’ll also have made mistakes that a younger woman can learn from. It is these things that can make a young lesbian feel confident and sure of herself around her older lover.
This is a major turn on for many young lesbians who may be struggling with coming out or dealing with the pressures of being a young gay woman. After all, if heterosexual men can date women 10 or 15 years their junior without raising eyebrows, then why shouldn’t homosexual women do the same? It’s no secret that cougars are a hot commodity. They’re confident and they know what they want out of life, so why not?
In general, older lesbians have more experience in romantic and sexual relationships than their younger counterparts. Their confidence in their own sexuality and independence makes them a great partner for a younger woman. Their experience also makes them an aphrodisiac, as they are more likely to know what it takes to make a relationship work.
Unfortunately, the LGBT community continues to deal with prejudice in a world that is not always enlightened and accepting of them. This additional strain can add up when a relationship between two women of different ages is involved.
Adding to this is the fact that studies indicate some older LGBT people feel uncomfortable disclosing their sexual orientation when accessing health and aged care services (Dunkle, 2018; Fredriksen-Goldsen et al., 2011; Hughes, 2007; Waling et al., 2019). Moreover, these fears can have significant consequences for their wellbeing because nondisclosure can impact on their access to appropriate services. In addition, a lack of comfort in disclosing could lead to stigmatization and discrimination and contribute to internalized homophobia.