How to Hold Hands With a Girl

Holding hands can feel awkward if you don’t know how to go about it. Recognizing if a girl wants to hold hands can be tricky, but it can also be super romantic and fun.

How to Hold Hands With a Girl
How to Hold Hands With a Girl

If she seems open to physical contact, you can try playful taps on the arm or leg, hugs, small massages, and even getting closer into her personal space.

Look her in the eye.

Taking the first step of holding hands can be nerve-wracking for both parties. Recognizing a girl’s signals that she wants to hold your hand can help you build intimacy and closeness in your relationship.

For example, she might put her hand next to yours when you’re walking together. She might also linger in a high-five and even touch your arm or shoulder. These are all signs that she likes you and wants to be closer to you.

She may even be straightforward and ask you if you want to hold hands. This is a clear signal that she’s open to physical contact and ready for you to make the move. If she’s okay with touching, then you can slowly move on to more advanced moves, like playful taps on the arms and legs, hugs, small massages, or getting closer into her personal space.

Make eye contact.

Guys don’t always want to hold hands with girls because they think that it makes them appear creepy or precocious. However, if you’re confident and know yourself well enough to improve your self image then you’ll find that most girls really like it when you hold their hand.

If she holds your gaze a little longer than usual, and doesn’t break it for a few seconds, then she is probably pretty interested in you. Also, if she playsfully brushes her hand against yours or lingers during a high-five, she may be comfortable with physical touch and is open to the idea of holding your hand.

Another fun way to hold hands is by locking pinkies with her. It’s a playful way to flirt and can be a great way to make her feel special.

Make her feel comfortable.

Holding hands with a girl for the first time can be a little nerve wracking. You’re not sure if she wants it or not and you don’t want to be rude.

Some people are just uncomfortable with public displays of affection (PDA). This doesn’t mean that they don’t love you. It could be that holding hands, putting your arm around their shoulder, or kissing makes them physically uncomfortable.

If she frequently looks at your hands or subconsciously plays with her fingers, it can be an indication that she’s open to physical touch. You can also get a read by seeing how close she holds her hand to yours when walking or sitting together. Getting closer can make the experience more intimate and flirtatious. You can even try a more playful move like locking pinkies to show your interest.

Get closer.

If she keeps her hand close to yours, especially when you’re sitting together, this is a sign that she likes the feeling of physical intimacy. She may also subconsciously touch her own hands or play with them, which is another indication that she’s open to holding your hand.

She brushes her hand against yours or lingers during a high-five. This is a simple way to break the touch barrier and let her know you want to hold her hand.

If you’re watching a movie together, slowly reach for her hand. Grab her pinky finger first and then gently entwine your fingers. If she doesn’t pull away, keep it up for the rest of the movie. This is a great way to make her feel comfortable and secure.

Mix it up.

Sometimes hand-holding can get boring or feel stale. To spice things up try a few different techniques.

For example, you could give her a gentle finger massage with your thumbs. It might make her laugh and feel more comfortable with you at the same time.

Another fun technique is to lock pinkies. This is a flirtatious way to hold hands that can be especially fun during walking dates or while sitting at a restaurant.

Some girls may also initiate physical touch in other ways, like touching your arm or playfully brushing against you. This is a good sign that she’s open to holding hands and wants to take it to the next level with you. It also indicates that she’s comfortable with intimacy and trusts you.

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