Phone Sex Erotica
Ask any party chat you call, and they likely will have an erotic story within reach. Many of them have a wide variety of stories that cover a large number of topics. You may even come across a phone sex girl that writes her own erotica. Either way, they are often a great way to delve into new fantasies and hear hot women taking on a unique role. Here are a few phone fantasies that are often incorporated into erotica that you can explore.

This is a common telephone chat fantasy, and one that hits home for many. “I was so turned on in that meeting Mr. Smith… I really want to get to know you better.” Yes, its cliché, but many men love hearing that. Often there is much more build up than that one line, but eventually when she is taking a cock in her mouth under the desk as the slutty secretary… its enough to turn any phone chat into a memorable one.
Strangers Meeting at the Bar
This is a great erotic phone call concept. It does often appear in sections of books and stories and is hot because it is something that could, and does, happen to some people in real life. There are a lot of different directions this fantasy can go in after two horny bar patrons meet. Do things happen at the bar? On the dance floor? Back to her place? In the bathroom? A lot of roleplay options, for you to explore on your next fantasy chat call.
Irresistible Hero Saves Someone
Here I come to save the day! This is the type of story that romance novels and TV shows write in a lot. There is a lot of erotica out there with this theme. Easy to find and hot, but even sexier to be acted out as part of a group chat on your next call. So many variables and superpowers begging to be explored in a fantasy session that will have your phone line burning up with passion and excitement!
What are your favorite types of erotic stories? Send them in, we want to know!